Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Salty washing waves

It is one year and ten days later. Three hundred and seventy five days into the supposed one thousand days of settling into a better life. Yes, we moved more than a thousand kilometers in search of a better life, a more valuable lifestyle, a higher moral. Did we find it? That is the question. This is my answer.

It was one of the most difficult years of my life. It was a year with priceless life events, numerous changes, heart breaking moments, new adventures, deep gratitude, dark soul search, bright new beginnings, broken ties, added alliances, changed perceptions, higher expectations, smaller budgets, more expenses, higher value, fewer friends and on goes the list.

What is a better life? What does it have to offer? How easy can one adapt? How far can we go, how willing are we? What to sacrifice? What to gain?

I have gained one very large, bottomless, bluest blue, always changing and never quiet companion; the beautiful majestic ocean. I have always had dreams of being somewhere (on a boat, a beach, a house) with the ocean persistently there. Waves would suddenly wash over me but always safe was I floating. Never in danger, never overwhelmed. Just slowly drifting and finally waking up, completely content. There is nothing like the voice of the sea. Like the salty breath of the ocean, the moving breeze of her force, her presence, her beauty. I love the ocean, I love the beach, the sand and the perfectly crafted shells she offer as keepsake gifts when you least expect it. I love how I feel when I am with her. All of my worries, my doubts, my stress, my pain, my burden slowly disappear with each and every breaking wave. She calms me, she hugs me, she opens and turn my eyes inward like no one else. She washes away all pretence, all resistance without even touching me. She shows me basic, natural, perfect beauty.

I appreciate her, I respect her and I also fear her. She is unpredictable, One moment she might be still and beautiful just to turn rough and stormy the next. I see myself in her. I might be one with her...

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